Member Schools
*Coming Soon*
We invite you to join the NJCDCA through one of our two membership options. Listed below are the two ways you too can become part of a strong and supportive group which seeks to serve our state cheerleading and dance community. The NJCDCA has a dedicated Executive Committee that is available to give you support and to provide information to meet your coaching needs. Regional Representatives are available to support your local needs and initiatives.
Membership Invoice due date: DECEMBER 1st of the current year.
Membership runs September 1st -June 30th
Note: PO/Checks can be sent separately from the invoice in order to meet the membership deadline.
Venmo @NJCDCA-treasurer
Register today to take advantage of all the benefits membership offers!
If you have any questions regarding your membership please contact Sarah Szoke at sarah.szoke@woodbridge.k12.nj.us
Membership Details
School Member receives ($150):
One reduced entry fee to the state competition
Eligibility for graduating seniors to apply for NJCDCA cheerleading scholarships
Eligibility for seniors to apply for the NJCDCA All State Team
Eligibility for NJCDCA Coaches Recognition Award
Eligibility for the school coach to be nominated for the Jayne Shalkowski "Leave a Legacy" Award
Eligibility for the school to receive the NJCDCA Sportsmanship Award
Plus, 1 complimentary Individual Membership
Plus, Individual benefits below
Individual Member receives ($50):
Discounts to Fall Forum & other Coaches Events
Voting privileges at NJCDCA Meetings
National Federations Guidelines Rules book which gives you the most current rule updates and procedures regarding sideline and competition cheerleading
Eligibility for a position on the Executive Board and other coaches recognition/service awards